Saving energy and money go hand-in-hand. We can all contribute to reducing Austin’s energy demand by making simple lifestyle changes and energy-efficient home improvements. When demand decreases, we all save. Austin Energy is committed to helping our customers achieve the greatest savings possible.

Save money and keep your business comfortable and cool. Improve the performance of an existing air conditioning or heat pump system and earn a rebate.
How to Apply
Find a Contractor
Tune-ups help keep your HVAC systems running safely and efficiently, reducing your operating costs and keeping your facility comfortable in any weather. They also help extend the life of existing HVAC systems and can help your business avoid costly repairs.
Participating Contractor Required
Tune-ups must be completed by an approved participating contractor to qualify. Participating contractors meet Austin Energy requirements for licensing, insurance, workmanship and equipment. See the Find a Contractor tab.
Pre-approval from Austin Energy is required before work may begin.
Tune-ups must be completed by participating contractors. Incentives depend on unit size and qualifying auxiliary equipment.
Download the Commercial HVAC Tune-Up Summary (pdf) for details
For a summary of requirements, rebate levels and scope of work, see Commercial HVAC Tune-Up Summary (pdf).
Program Requirements
- Pre-approval from Austin Energy is required before work may start.
- Equipment must operate weekdays between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., June through September (Does not apply to educational facilities and houses of worship).
- Contractors must submit before and after tune-up photos for each HVAC unit rebated.
- Contractors must submit invoices for all projects. If the total tune-up cost is higher than the rebate offered, then the invoice must be itemized and include equipment and labor. If the auxiliary rebate is used, then the installed equipment must be included on the invoice.
- Replacement parts installed must carry a minimum one-year warranty covering parts and labor.
- This rebate is only available for Austin Energy customers with commercial electric service. The building where the equipment will be installed must comply with the Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure (ECAD) ordinance (unless exempt or located outside of Austin city limits).
- Equipment must use electricity as its primary or secondary fuel type and be installed in permanent building or structure.
- Austin Energy reserves the right to deny or adjust all rebate applications.
HVAC Tune-Up Requirements
- Eligible equipment: heat pumps, package and split system units that are 25 tons or smaller.
- HVAC equipment covered under existing service contracts or preventive maintenance agreements are eligible on a case-by-case basis and only if the unit requires refrigerant.
- HVAC system must be working and between three to 15 years of age on average. It cannot be visibly damaged and must be able to have 75% of the scope of work completed. Exceptions must be approved by Austin Energy and are granted on a case-by-case basis. After an Austin Energy tune-up rebate has been paid, that unit is ineligible to receive another rebate for three years.
- Work must be completed by a participating contractor. Exceptions for in-house maintenance staff must be approved by Austin Energy. A Texas Air Conditioning Class A or B License is required for each company performing the HVAC tune-up. Lead technicians should hold a TDLR Technician Certification.
- Depending on the system’s current performance, the customer may be asked to pay for additional refrigerant or repairs identified by the contractor. No additional cost will be incurred without customer’s prior approval.
- HVAC Tune-Up rebates are not eligible for the Small Business Bonus Rebate.
- To begin an application, please contact an Austin Energy participating contractor. See the Find a Contractor tab for a complete list.
- An Austin Energy participating contractor must perform the work to qualify for this rebate. The participating contractor will complete and submit the application.
- Once your application has been accepted, the participating contractor will schedule a site visit to go over the scope of work with you before any work is completed.
Installation and Inspection
- The customer and contractor will agree on the scope of work and any potential out-of-pocket costs before installation starts.
- Austin Energy staff may conduct real-time inspections for quality assurance.
We can help you learn more about your rebate and savings options before you apply.
Are You Waiting For a Rebate?
Use the confirmation (enrollment) and utility account numbers to check the status of your rebate application.
Final Approval and Payment
- Austin Energy will review the application and send payment to the participating contractor or customer.
Contact Austin Energy for More Information
Call 512-482-5346 or email Commercial Rebates if you have any questions about our rebates.
Participating Contractor Required for Rebate
An Austin Energy participating contractor must perform the installation to qualify for this rebate. Participating contractors meet Austin Energy requirements for licensing, insurance, workmanship and equipment.
In addition, Austin Energy participating contractors must comply with all program requirements and conduct business in an honest, professional, and ethical manner. All participating contractors must abide by the Austin Energy Code of Conduct and Ethical Requirements (pdf).
The selection of a Participating Contractor to perform work is the sole decision of the property owner and/or authorized lessee/occupant. Inclusion in this directory does not represent an endorsement by Austin Energy of any product, individual, or company. No work is guaranteed or warranty expressed or implied, and Austin Energy makes no guarantees as to the quality, cost, or effectiveness of the products provided and work performed by the contractor, employees, or subcontractors.
Additional Documents
Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Offerings, program guidelines and rebate levels are subject to change without notice.
The maximum combined rebate is $300,000 per customer site per fiscal year (October through September).