
   Rebates and Incentives


Save Money & Energy

Saving energy and money go hand-in-hand. We can all contribute to reducing Austin’s energy demand by making simple lifestyle changes and energy-efficient home improvements. When demand decreases, we all save. Austin Energy is committed to helping our customers achieve the greatest savings possible.

ECAD Incentive

Property owners can use Energy Conservation and Audit Disclosure (ECAD) audit results to improve energy efficiency, which helps protect the environment, reduces resident turnover, and increases property marketability

  • Description
  • Incentive
  • Eligibility
  • How to Apply

If your multifamily property is 10 years or older and located within the Austin city limits, you must be in compliance with the Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure (ECAD) ordinance before receiving a rebate check. ECAD promotes energy efficiency by identifying potential energy savings for your property.

Since energy efficiency makes buildings more distinct and attractive in the competitive multifamily market, ECAD also serves as an effective tool for owners looking to advertise existing energy efficiency measures.

Multifamily ECAD energy audits cover:

  • Air conditioning and heating system efficiency
  • Air filtration, duct performance, air sealing in plumbing areas, and weatherstripping
  • Windows
  • Attic insulation

Properties that have not completed an ECAD audit are eligible to receive a rebate (capped at $2,500) to cover the audit cost. The incentive will be included and paid at the completion of the energy efficiency upgrade project through the Multifamily Standard Rebates or Multifamily Income Qualified programs.

Rebate ranges from $100 to $2500 per property and are paid at the completion of the proposed energy efficient upgrade project.

Download the Multifamily Program Rebate Summary (pdf) for details

Program Requirements

Specific Requirements

  • Multifamily properties that intend to participate in Austin Energy’s Multifamily Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs, but that have not had an ECAD energy audit performed within the last 10 years
  • Properties that are at least 10 years old and meet all Multifamily Rebate program eligibility requirements
  • Properties that consist of at least five* or more rental units, owned or managed by the same company or individual
  • Properties listed with the City of Austin Code Department’s Repeat Offender Program will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Getting Started

Provide your contact information. We have streamlined our process to get you started quickly!


  • An Austin Energy representative will contact you to collect information about your multifamily community and determine rebate eligibility.
  • We will provide trained staff to help complete and submit the application.


We need to assess your property or multifamily community to determine rebate eligibility.

  • Once your application has been accepted, a participating contractor will schedule a site visit to develop and review the scope of work with you.


  • Austin Energy will issue a Letter of Intent (LOI) and the participating contractor will have 120  days to complete the installation.
  • Austin Energy staff will conduct real time inspections to keep the project on time and ensure a quality project.

Final Inspection

  • An Austin Energy Program Coordinator will schedule a final inspection with the property manager or owner to confirm that all work was performed to expectations.
  • The rebate will be paid to the contractor if authorized by the account holder.

Contact Austin Energy for More Information

Call 512-482-5346 or email Multifamily Rebates if you have any questions about our rebates.


Rebates are paid only after Austin Energy has approved the rebate application and conducted any necessary site inspections. All installed equipment must comply with local, state, and federal regulations, including building code and permitting requirements. Offerings, program requirements, and rebate levels are subject to change without notice. Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. The maximum combined rebate is $300,000 per customer site per fiscal year (October through September).


Date last reviewed or modified: 12/01/2022