
Austin Energy,

Customer Energy Solutions,

4815 Mueller Blvd.

Austin, TX 78723-3573

  Customer Energy Solutions



Kids and dog in kiddie pool
Conserve energy during peak usage times to save on your electric bill and help lower costs and increase grid reliability for our entire community.

What is the Power Saver Program?

To help manage the demand for energy on peak usage days, Austin Energy is asking a select group of customers to participate in a new program called Power Saver. This program notifies participants in advance of Energy Action Days and asks them to save power. The program is completely voluntary, and how much you reduce your electric usage is completely up to you.

What is an Energy Action Day?

An Energy Action Day is a day in which the electricity demand is anticipated to be too close to the available supply. On these days, typically the hottest summer days, rising demand often means rising wholesale energy costs.

By using less energy on these peak days, Power Saver participants can save on their electric bills and help lower costs and increase grid reliability for our entire community. The Power Saver Program notifies participants prior to expected Energy Action Days so they can plan ahead.

Why was I selected to participate?

Customers invited to participate were selected randomly from all areas of Austin Energy’s service territory. Customers who opt-out will not be able to rejoin the Power Saver program in 2023.

How does it work?

Power Saver participants will receive a notification on or before an Energy Action Day, asking them to save energy from 1 to 7 p.m. and offering tips on how to do so. If you prefer to receive Energy Action Day notifications by phone call or text message, it’s easy to change your communication preferences. You can opt in or out of all three communication channels.

Following an Energy Action Day, you’ll receive another email, letting you know how much energy you used and how your home compared to similar homes in your neighborhood. It can be fun to see how well you did and to try to do even better the next Energy Action Day.

How do I participate?

Take simple steps to reduce your electric usage. Raise your thermostat a few degrees and use your ceiling fan to stay cool. Put off doing laundry or running your dishwasher until after dark. Instead of using your game console, go to a movie or visit a library. Or simply remember to turn off the lights when you leave a room. Even small things can go a long way on Energy Action Days.

Where can I get more tips on how to save energy?

Log into your City of Austin Utilities Account to find more ways to save energy. Take our Home Energy Analysis questionnaire for customized tips.

Other questions about the Power Saver program or Energy Action Days? Call 512-494-9400.

Date last reviewed or modified: 06/26/2023