Saving energy and money go hand-in-hand. We can all contribute to reducing Austin’s energy demand by making simple lifestyle changes and energy-efficient home improvements. When demand decreases, we all save. Austin Energy is committed to helping our customers achieve the greatest savings possible.

Change the way you cool your building and save. Austin Energy offers substantial rebates on thermal energy storage systems. This includes rebates on the energy demand you shift and feasibility study reimbursement.
How to Apply
Thermal energy storage systems work with conventional refrigeration equipment to produce cold water or ice. This chilled water or ice is stored in a tank and used to cool a building during peak hours. This allows you to shift electric cooling operations to off-peak hours, saving money and reducing peak demand.
There are several benefits to shifting demand using thermal energy storage:
- Save in summer and winter with thermal energy storage rates.
- Perform daytime maintenance with fewer cooling interruptions.
- Add back-up cooling capacity.
Austin Energy offers significant rebates based on your anticipated kilowatt shift. We provide rebates to make even small thermal energy storage systems more affordable.
Feasibility Study
Before installing a thermal energy storage system, you must have a Feasibility Study conducted by an engineering firm. The Feasibility Study evaluates the cost effectiveness and technical viability of installing a thermal energy storage system. The engineering firm takes care of all applications and paperwork related to the Feasibility Study.
If the Feasibility Study anticipates a peak demand shift of over 100 kW, Austin Energy will cover the Feasibility Study cost (up to $12,000). If anticipated peak demand shift is 100 kW or less, Austin Energy will not assist with Feasibility Study costs, but will estimate the kW that would be eligible for rebate.
Thermal Energy Storage Rates
Customers who install a thermal energy system are eligible for Thermal Energy Storage rates. This rate schedule features shorter summer and on-peak periods. Once you install your thermal energy storage system, contact your Key Accounts Representative to enter you into the Thermal Energy Storage rate schedule.
PACE Financing Available
Austin Energy provides various opportunities for our customers to purchase energy efficient technologies. Many of these reduce energy consumption and enhance comfort and indoor air quality for your customers. PACE is an effective financing approach. Travis and Williamson County PACE programs enable owners of non-profit, commercial, and industrial properties to obtain low-cost, long-term financing for water and energy efficiency improvements and solar generation retrofits.
Private sector lenders finance qualified improvements and property owners voluntarily agree to contractual assessments imposed on the property. PACE improvements generate positive cash flow with no out-of-pocket cost to the property owner. If the property is sold before the full amount is repaid, the repayment obligation automatically transfers to the next owner. PACE assessments complement Austin Energy incentive programs.
Feasibility Study Reimbursement
Austin Energy covers eligible Feasibility Study costs (up to $12,000).
If anticipated peak demand shift is 100 kW or less, Austin Energy will not assist with Feasibility Study costs, but will estimate the kW that would be eligible for rebate.
Demand Shift
We then provide rebates at the Thermal Energy Storage (TES) rate of $350 per kW shifted.
Rebates are subject to limits as established by the Austin City Council.
Thermal Energy Storage Rates
Customers who install thermal energy storage systems qualify for special rates. Contact your Key Account Representative for more information.
- For retrofits and equipment replacement, applicants must submit rebate applications prior to installation. For new construction projects, applications must be submitted before the certificate of occupancy is issued. Rebates will not be provided retroactively to equipment or retrofits that have already been installed.
- Rebates are only available for equipment or retrofits that:
- operate weekdays between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., June through September (educational facilities and houses of worship are exempt from this requirement);
- use electricity as its primary or secondary fuel type (please refer to Texas Gas Service for rebates on natural gas equipment);
- provide kW savings by exceeding requirements for energy efficiency listed in City of Austin Energy Code Chapter 25-12-261 or as determined by Austin Energy;
- are new, energized, and have a minimum one year warranty (backup or redundant systems are not eligible); and
- are installed in permanent buildings or structures.
- Commercial rebates are available for Austin Energy customers with commercial electric service. Businesses located on properties with residential electric service should refer to Austin Energy residential rebates.
- The building where the equipment will be installed must comply with the Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure (ECAD) ordinance (unless exempt or located outside of Austin city limits).
- Multifamily properties applying for commercial rebates (for master-metered properties or work undertaken in common spaces) must meet all Multifamily Program and equipment installation requirements. Properties must not be on not be listed with the City of Austin Code Department’s Repeat Offender Program.
Specific Requirements
- You must shift between 20-50% of the facility demand or 1,000 kW, whichever is less. (May be waived by Austin Energy on an individual basis.)
- If the anticipated peak demand is greater than 100 kW, we will require a detailed energy analysis by a Professional Engineer.
- If the anticipated peak demand shift is 100 kW or less, Austin Energy will not require a detailed analysis, but we will not assist with feasibility study costs
- You must allow Austin Energy to install an interval data recording meter. Austin Energy uses this meter to record your on-, mid-, and off-peak energy use for billing purposes.
- You agree to keep the qualifying equipment at the installation site you indicate on your rebate application.
Commercial Rebate Program Requirements
- Austin Energy can help customers evaluate energy efficiency opportunities for their business or organization. Please email us for assistance on calculating potential rebates or other technical guidance.
- Applications must qualify to receive at least $25 in rebates.
- The customer or contractor applying for the rebate must:
- submit all required application information and equipment documentation (incomplete applications are placed on hold and may be cancelled after 90 days); and
- agree to schedule pre-installation and post-installation site visits to allow Austin Energy staff to verify existing and installed equipment.
- For customers or properties applying for a rebate to upgrade or retrofit the same equipment that received a historical Austin Energy rebate within the past 10 years, the new rebate will be calculated based on the incremental energy savings. For example, if a customer or property received a historical lighting rebate, any new lighting equipment rebates will be calculated using the incremental energy savings between the existing and new equipment. Exemptions from this requirement due to emergency replacement of failed equipment are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- A 30% bonus rebate is available for eligible: 1) locally owned or franchised small-business customers; 2) small
501(c) non-profit organizations; 3) and houses of worship. Eligibility for large campuses or facilities with multiple
accounts held by one customer will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Contact us to
determine if you qualify.
- Eligible small businesses must: 1) be locally owned or franchised (headquartered in the Austin metropolitan area — a W-9 may be required to verify); and 2) use Austin Energy Secondary Voltage Rate 1 (<10kW) or Rate 2 (>10kW <300kW).
- Eligible non-profits must: 1) provide an IRS determination letter or similar IRS documentation verifying their tax-exempt 501(c) status; and 2) use Austin Energy Secondary Voltage Rate 1 (<10kW) or Rate 2 (>10kW <300kW). Government entities, tax exempt real estate trusts and housing co-ops are not eligible for this bonus.
- All houses of worship are eligible, regardless of rate.
- Rebates will not be paid unless all installed equipment and retrofits comply with manufacturer requirements and all local, state, and federal regulations, including building code and permitting requirements. For requirements on when electrical permits are required, refer to City of Austin Municipal Code chapter 25-12-113, section 80.19(c). For requirements on when permits are required for mechanical work, refer to City of Austin Municipal code chapter 25-12-133, section 104.2. For more information on mechanical, electrical, and building permits contact the City of Austin Department of Development Services.
- Commercial Program rebates are subject to capping based on the total project cost related to the installation of
the rebated equipment or retrofits. The applicant is responsible for reporting total job cost and Austin Energy
reserves the right to require a signed, itemized invoice or work order for verification.
- Standard Commercial Program rebates cannot exceed 50% of total job costs.
- Rebates cannot exceed 80% of total job costs for locally owned small businesses, non-profits, and houses of worship that receive the 30% bonus.
- By default, the rebate payment is directed to the customer listed on the Austin Energy electric account. The
rebate may also be directed to one of the below parties if all requirements are met.
- A parent corporation or organization of the account holder
- The building owner, verified using county tax records
- A tenant at the property, whom must provide a letter signed by the account holder authorizing the rebate to be paid to the tenant
- A participating contractor or any other 3rd party, whom must: 1) register as a City of Austin vendor; 2) register in Austin Energy's rebate processing system; and 3) provide a letter signed by the account holder authorizing the rebate to be paid to that party
- If a participating contractor plans to submit more than one rebate application on behalf of Austin Energy customers, they are required to: 1) register as a City of Austin vendor; and 2) register in Austin Energy's rebate processing system.
- Austin Energy reserves the right to deny or adjust all rebate applications.
- Participating contractors must comply with all program requirements and conduct business in an honest, professional, and ethical manner. All participating contractors must abide by the Austin Energy Code of Conduct and Ethical Requirements (pdf).
General Instructions
- Please submit all rebate applications before installation is complete. Applications submitted after the work is complete will not be accepted.
- See below for required documents and information required to complete the rebate application.
- Please inquire whether your installation contractor is registered with Austin Energy and able to submit the application on your behalf.
- By default, the rebate payment is directed to the account holder, but payments to contractors and alternate payees are possible with the account holder’s approval.
- If you have any questions or need assistance with verifying eligibility or estimated rebates, email Austin Energy Commercial Rebates.
Online Application
Account holders may submit applications using the Commercial Online Rebate Application. If you are unsure of any values or fields, make note in the comments so they can be corrected or verified later.
Required Documents and Information for Commercial Rebate Applications
- Austin Energy Commercial account number
- Contact information, if different from account information
- Pre- and post-installation photos may be required for existing and/or installed equipment.
We can help you learn more about your rebate and savings options before you apply.
Apply for a Rebate Online
You can apply for your rebate online. To make applying easier, have all required information on hand before you start.
Are You Waiting For a Rebate?
Use the confirmation (enrollment) and utility account numbers to check the status of your rebate application.
- Lighting retrofits require pre-installation pictures of existing equipment. Applications must include a completed Austin Energy Lighting Calculator. Please email Austin Energy Commercial Rebates to obtain the calculator file or receive assistance.
- Manufacturer Specification sheets and AHRI cut sheets for equipment to be installed (this may be submitted via email after submitting the application)
- Invoice/Quote (this may be submitted via email after submitting the application)
- Rebate Payee — By default, rebate payments are directed to the Austin Energy electric account holder. The rebate payment may be directed to other parties with the authorization of the Electric Account Holder.
- If your building is over 10,000 sq ft you must be in compliance with the Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure (ECAD) ordinance.
Non-Profit and Small Business Bonus
A 30% bonus is available for these eligible customers:
- Texas-owned or franchised small-business customers — Must use AE Electric Rate Tier 1 (<10kW) or 2 (<300kW) and may be required to provide a W-9 verifying the business is Texas owned or franchised
- Non-profit organizations — Must use AE Electric Rate Tier 1 (<10kW) or 2 (<300kW) and may be required to provide an IRS determination letter or similar documentation verifying their tax-exempt 501(c) status. Tax exempt real estate trusts and housing co-ops are not eligible.
- Houses of worship — All houses of worship are eligible, regardless of electric rate.
Contact Austin Energy for More Information
- Call 512-482-5346, or email Austin Energy Commercial Rebates if you have questions about our rebates
- Browse all Commercial rebate offerings and requirements
Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Offerings, program guidelines, and rebate levels are subject to change without notice. Rebate funds are encumbered (committed to be paid) during the fiscal year in which they are to be disbursed.
The maximum combined rebate is $300,000 per customer site per fiscal year (October through September).